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The Translational Award

We are launching a new scheme to fund projects that will bridge the gap between the research happening in the lab and getting new treatments to clinic.

Our new Translational Award will provide funding of up to £2.2m to support the early phase development of potential new diagnostics, drugs, or devices, optimising them to attract ongoing investment, and further development by industry. This award is unlike any other we offer. It is an opportunity to link strong academic work with industry standard drug discovery through our new virtual biotech.

Purpose and scope

Funding of up to £2.2m per project over 3 years is available.

This funding amount will cover the industry drug discovery work as well as the biological research that will continue to run parallel to the critical drug discovery pathway. This will allow for large scale testing to accelerate the development of new treatments to benefit patients while enabling academics to continue to enhance our understanding of the biology around it.

We are looking for projects with a clear pathway to patient benefit involving any modality for any primary disease type. The projects should have a strong science foundation with minimal scientific competition. Ideally, they will lie between the proof-of-concept in vivo stage and the pre-clinical stage of drug discovery.

What we can do for you

In addition to funding for your project, we will provide you with access to The Brain Tumour Charity’s Translation Advisory Board providing specific knowledge and expertise to direct the development of the project through the translational phase.

Our life science partnerships bring together professionals with expertise in drug discovery, medicinal chemistry, biology, pharmacology, and clinical development to support all aspects of your research. Pairing this with access to our established academic network and the brain tumour community, we have all the right people available to help shape and develop your project. 

If you have a project with the potential to benefit brain tumour patients and would be interested in learning more about our translational opportunities, we would love to hear from you. Please email [email protected].

  • Demonstrate a clear pathway to patient benefit.
  • Have strong scientific rationale.
  • Demonstrate the capacity to revolutionise treatments and/or clinical decision making.
  • Have the potential to produce novel intellectual property.
  • Ideally be between the point of in vivo proof of concept and the pre-clinical stage of drug discovery.

Further information

If you would like to discuss project ideas or need any information, please contact us.
E-mail: [email protected]