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Symptoms of a brain tumour based on location in the brain

Symptoms of a brain tumour can vary depending on the brain tumour’s location. Below, we’ll mention some of the symptoms that can begin based on where the tumour is in the brain.

An x-ray of a human head identifying symptoms of a brain tumour based on location in the brain

Short summary

The human brain is divided into two halves called the right and left hemispheres. The brain can also be divided into four areas known as lobes (frontal, temporal, parietal and occipital) plus two other important areas called the brain stem and the cerebellum.

The presence of a brain tumour can cause damage to healthy brain tissue, which can stop that area of the brain functioning as it should.

Here we’ll discuss the possible symptoms that could appear based on where a tumour is located in the brain.

Remember that many of the symptoms due to raised intracranial pressure (ICP) can be caused by other medical conditions. So if you are experiencing these symptoms, it does not necessarily mean you have a brain tumour.

On this page:

Other symptoms

Use our Better Safe Than Tumour symptom checker to check for other brain tumour symptoms.

Talking to your doctor

Learn more about how to approach your GP.

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Vector image of the human brain showing the different lobes and their functions
The human brain

Symptoms of a brain tumour based on location

When the location of the brain tumour is the frontal lobe it may cause difficulty with:

  • concentrating or focusing your attention on something
  • speaking
  • communicating or using language
  • controlling emotions and behaviour
  • executive functions (making decisions, solving problems, planning and organising)
  • learning and remembering new information
  • lack of inhibition (making inappropriate comments during conversation or laughing in inappropriate situations)
  • social cognition, impulse control and sexual behaviour
  • weakness on the opposite side of the body from the tumour
  • loss of smell.

When the location of the brain tumour is the temporal lobe it may cause difficulty with:

  • hearing
  • speaking
  • identifying and categorising objects
  • learning new information
  • correctly recognising emotions in others
  • memory loss
  • seizures or blackouts
  • sensations of strange smells.

When the location of the brain tumour is the parietal lobe it may cause difficulty with:

  • bringing together information from your different senses (touch, vision, hearing, smell, taste) and making sense of it
  • recognising faces or objects
  • co-ordinating movements
  • spatial awareness (judging distances and hand-eye co-ordination)
  • speaking, understanding words, writing and reading
  • numbness on the opposite side of the body from the tumour.

When the location of the brain tumour is the occipital lobe it may cause:

  • difficulty with vision e.g. identifying objects or colours
  • loss of vision on one side.

When the brain tumour location is the cerebellum it may cause:

  • difficulty with balance
  • loss of co-ordination
  • difficulty walking and speaking
  • difficulty using executive functions (making decisions, solving problems, planning and organising)
  • flickering of the eyes
  • vomiting
  • stiff neck
  • problems with dexterity (skills in using your hands).

A tumour located in the brain stem may cause:

  • unsteadiness and difficulty walking
  • facial weakness
  • double vision
  • difficulty speaking and swallowing.
  • Track your symptoms through BRIAN‘s quality of life tracker, noting when they are worse or better, any patterns that you see or any changes
  • People often experience more than one symptom before a diagnosis, so make sure you understand what other symptoms a brain tumour can cause
  • Book an appointment with your GP or optician for a check up, and keep a note of any questions that you want to ask
  • Take a look at our page about talking to your doctor for some ideas of what to ask and what to expect.
Side profile of a man listing some symptoms of a brain tumour for the Batter Safe Than Tumour campaign

I think I have a brain tumour, what should I do?

Brain tumours are rare, however, if you’re worried and a symptom persists or if you have more than one symptom of a brain tumour then:

  • Talk to your doctor
    GP appointments are usually quite short, so make sure you find out how to best prepare for your appointment.
  • Get an eye test
    If your symptoms are limited to changes in vision and/or headaches, get your eyes tested by an optician before seeing your GP.
  • Go to A&E
    If the symptoms are sudden or severe, you should go to your emergency department or call 999.

More information

Symptoms of a brain tumour in adults – PDF

Find out more about the symptoms of a brain tumour in adults in the full fact sheet.

If you have further questions, need to clarify any of the information on this page, or want to find out more about research and clinical trials, please contact our team:

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