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Online brain tumour support groups

Our brain tumour support groups offer a safe online space where you can connect with others who know what you’re going through.

Whether you’re living with a brain tumour or supporting someone who is, you’ll find a welcoming community of people who have been there and understand how you feel.

You can ask questions, get support from others and share your own experiences at any time of the day or night – it’s a safe space where you can be totally open. Or you can simply read people’s stories, knowing that there are others right there with you.

I’ve gained so much from other people’s experiences. Night or day, there’s always someone online to talk to. It gives me great comfort and I remember I’m not alone on this journey.


Find an online support group

Join our Facebook community

Our general Facebook group is for anyone affected by a brain tumour diagnosis.

Join our community

Join our Living With a Brain Tumour Diagnosis Facebook community

Our Living With a Brain Tumour Diagnosis Facebook group is for anyone who has been diagnosed with a brain tumour of any kind.

Join our community

Join our Carers Facebook community

Our Carers Facebook group is for anyone caring for somebody who’s living with, or beyond, a brain tumour.

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Join our Parents Facebook community

Our Parents Facebook group is for parents of children under 18 who are living with, or beyond, a brain tumour.

Join our community

Join our Young Adults Facebook community

Our Young Adults Facebook group is for those aged 16-30 who are living with or have had a brain tumour diagnosis.

Join our Young Adult Carers Facebook community

Our Young Adult Carers Facebook group is for those aged 16-30 who are providing care to a loved one who is living with, or beyond, a brain tumour diagnosis.

Join our community

Join our Meningioma Facebook community

Join our community

Join our brain tumour support groups on HealthUnlocked

General brain tumour support group

Our HealthUnlocked support group is an anonymous platform for anyone affected by a brain tumour diagnosis.

Join our community

Glioblastoma support group

An online support group for anyone affected by a glioblastoma diagnosis.

Join our community

Meningioma support group

An online support group for anyone affected by a meningioma diagnosis.

Join our community

Acoustic neuroma support group

An online support group for anyone affected by an acoustic neuroma diagnosis.

Join our community

Join our Teen Instagram support group

Our Teen Instagram support group is for those 13-17 who are living with or have had a diagnosis. A parent or guardian will need to fill out the form linked below to grant their permission for a teen to join the group.

Join our Teen Sibling Instagram support group

Our Teen Sibling Instagram support group is for those 13-17 who are a sibling to someone living with or who has had a diagnosis. A parent or guardian will need to fill out the form linked below to grant their permission for a teen to join the group.

Follow our Support account on Instagram

Alongside The Charity’s main Instagram account we have launched a dedicated Support account – @thebraintumourcharity_support. Follow us to find out more about our services, as well as information and advice to help you to cope with a brain tumour diagnosis.

Follow us today

Our community share their top reasons to join

1. Learn from others 

The communities’ members can help make your journey a little less overwhelming by sharing their wealth of experiences.

I quickly realised how helpful it was to read about others going through the same experiences that my daughter and I were.


2. Know you’re not alone

Our online brain tumour support groups have thousands of members, including some outside the UK. So there’s a good chance you’ll find someone who’s had a very similar experience.

It was such a relief to find people that knew exactly what I was talking about.


3. Find support at any time 

Our communities are open 24/7, so there’s likely to always be someone else there who’s unable to sleep at 2am.

Being in the group allows us to get access to unlimited support whenever it’s required.


4. Discover your options

You can explore different treatments options by sharing information with others being treated in different places.

There’s an abundance of information, which is a wonderful resource.


Joining our online brain tumour support groups

There are a few things you need to be aware of before you join our online support groups.

  • You need to be 16 or over to join all groups except the teen and siblings Instagram support groups. But if you’re under 16, we can still support you – just email [email protected]
  • We’ll ask for a few details before we approve your request to join. This is to make sure everyone finds the right group for them and that our services best meet the needs of our community.
  • We moderate our groups for your protection. You can find our codes of conduct at the bottom of this page or displayed in the groups.
  • Your membership of the group may be visible to other people, but nothing you post there will be shared on your profile or in your timeline.

Facebook Groups codes of conduct

General Facebook Group – PDF

Please read this code of conduct before requesting to join our General Facebook Group.

Young Adults Facebook Group – PDF

Please read this code of conduct before requesting to join our Young Adults Facebook Group.

Parents Facebook Group – PDF

Please read this code of conduct before requesting to join our Parents Facebook Group.

Carers Facebook Group – PDF

Please read this code of conduct before requesting to join our Carers Facebook Group.

If you have further questions, need to clarify any of the information on this page, or want to find out more about research and clinical trials, please contact our team:

Support and Information Services

0808 800 0004 Free from landlines and mobiles
Phone lines open Mon-Fri, 09:00-17:00
Check the signs and symptoms of a brain tumour

Get support

If you need someone to talk to or advice on where to get help, our Support and Information team is available by phone, email or live-chat.