Everymind at Work Champions
Our Everymind at Work Champions collaborate to look after the wellbeing of our team. They host events to promote positive mental health such as Tea and Talk, weekly yoga sessions and lunchtime walks, as well as being on hand to support team members should they need someone to talk to.
When you join the team, you’ll be assigned an Everymind at Work Champion who will be there to support you throughout your time at The Charity.

My experience working at The Brain Tumour Charity is truly wonderful. The work environment is welcoming, friendly and supportive. All the work we do in the Support team and wider Charity strives to make a difference for those in the brain tumour community. We are also given great opportunities to get involved in Charity activities outside our usual job role as well. I have become an Everymind at Work Champion and our aim is to see how we can look at mental health within the workplace. There are Walking Wednesdays, Pilates and Yoga, chocolate desk drops and much more to put a smile on people’s faces. We also have frequent catch ups with each individual throughout The Charity to see how they’re doing and how they’re feeling.”
Jessie, Support Assistant