Baroness Tessa Jowell’s legacy
In the last few months of her life, Tessa Jowell devoted much of her time into lobbying and campaigning to improve life for the tens of thousands of people living with a brain tumour and their families.
Her efforts were not in vain – this year we have seen a huge step change in terms of the research into brain tumours, as well the funding and the treatment of this terrible disease. Find out more about the progress achieved so far in 2018.

Announcing the Tessa Jowell Centre of Excellence
Chair of the Tessa Jowell Brain Cancer Mission Professor Richard Gilbertson and CEO of The Brain Tumour Charity Sarah Lindsell discuss The Tessa Jowell Brain Cancer Mission and how it will improve services around the country for those living with a brain tumour.
Centres of Excellence
This collaborative plan will award outstanding neuro-oncology centres ‘Tessa Jowell Centre’ status within weeks.
DC Vax treatment
Just weeks after Tessa’s death, a clinical trial for DCVax-L has seen exceptional results treating glioblastoma
UK Government commits to national roll out of 5-ALA
Find out how the so-called ‘pink drink’, has a way of making tumours more visible during surgery
Tessa Jowell became the highest profile person yet to sign up to The Charity’s global brain tumour databank, BRIAN
Tessa Jowell Brain Cancer Research Fund
The Government has promised to invest £40m into a specific fund to investigate new treatments and cures for brain tumours
The Tessa Jowell Adaptive Clinical Trial
We recently announced funding for a brand new adaptive clinical trial to improve treatments for those diagnosed with a glioma