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Campaigning in Scotland

We will continue to campaign in Scotland to ensure that our community’s voice is heard.

A debate was held in The Scottish Parliament in December 2017, which was tabled by Alexander Stewart MSP. It followed his motion which was signed by more than 50 MSPs.

In April 2018, a roundtable meeting was held which focused on two key issues – early diagnosis and patient experience. This was chaired by Miles Briggs MSP and brought together key stakeholders including MSPs, clinicians, carers, patients and researchers.

The debate and subsequent meeting have led to the formation of the Scotland Steering Committee. This group will meet at various points to discuss how improvements can be made in Scotland. The role of the Scotland Steering Committee is to manage the strategy of improving brain tumour patient experience and reducing diagnosis times in Scotland.

Campaign with us

Over 1,000 people are diagnosed with a brain or CNS tumour in Scotland every year and tragically, of those diagnosed with a high-grade brain tumour, more than half do not survive one year.

That needs to change, but we need you to stand with us and help to make that happen.

I’ll stand with you

Scottish Parliament elections 2021

Ahead of the Scottish Parliament elections in May 2021, we asked MSP candidates to pledge their support for our new manifesto – Driving Progess in Scotland.

Driving Progess in Scotland was developed around four key commitments that would transform outcomes for those affected by a brain tumour in Scotland and help improve the quality of day-to-day life for people living with a brain tumour diagnosis:

  • Ensuring everyone diagnosed can access support from a Clinical Nurse Specialist or key worker, regardless of their tumour type or where they live in Scotland
  • Driving earlier diagnosis by reducing the proportion of brain tumours diagnosed via an emergency and piloting a simple, low-cost blood test (ClinSpec DX) across primary care in Scotland, as soon as possible
  • Addressing the impact of the pandemic on brain tumour surgeries and scans by establishing the extent of any backlog and setting out a clear plan to ensure everyone affected gets the diagnosis, treatment and support they need as soon as possible
  • Accelerating access to real-world data for Scottish brain tumour patients, researchers and charities, including through The Charity’s app BRIAN – to help inform and empower those affected and accelerate research to find a cure.

We asked our community in Scotland to support our manifesto and email their local MSP candidates asking them to also pledge their support for Driving Progress in Scotland

Download our full manifesto

Download our manifesto – PDF

Download our full Driving Progress in Scotland manifesto to read and share with your networks.