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Co-fund with us

The Brain Tumour Charity is committed to saving and improving lives. We know that by working together we can move further, faster to help every single person affected by a brain tumour.

We have a successful track record of co-funding specific projects, research and clinical trials with other independent charities. We welcome the opportunity to work together with other like-minded organisations who are also determined to defeat this devastating disease.

Take a look at our current co-funding partners and the difference we are making together.

By working with us, we promise:

  • 100% of every £1 raised would be invested into our charitable work. We would not use any of your support to fund administration or fundraising costs.
  • As a member of the AMRC, all of our grants are carefully selected following a rigorous, competitive process of independent and accredited peer review. This ensures that we are funding world-class research with the greatest chance of leading to further advances.
  • We will make your money go as far as possible. Due to our AMRC-accredited process, researchers are eligible for top-up funding from the government of up to 26p for every £1 we grant.
  • Where possible we also seek match-funding from institutions, meaning that for every £1 you invest with The Brain Tumour Charity, up to £2.26 of new funding could be directed into brain tumour research – more than doubling the impact of your initial investment
  • We will take the difficulty out of monitoring and evaluating each project you support. We will monitor each project and translate scientific information into lay terms, providing you with updates about the work you fund.

Brain tumours are the biggest cancer killer of children and adults under 40, yet less that 2% of cancer research funding goes towards finding better treatments and ultimately a cure. This is why we are dedicated to funding further breakthroughs in this underfunded area of research.

To find out how to partner with us, please contact our research team on 01252 749044 or [email protected] to explore how we could work together.