Order your free Brainy Bag
The Brainy Bag is a free gift for children and young people aged under 18 who have been diagnosed with a brain tumour, containing a range of fun toys and activities.

The Brainy Bag also includes important information about our Children and Families services, so you know who to contact if you would like any help with information and questions or you would simply like someone to talk to.
As each gift in the Brainy Bag is handpicked especially for your child we will need to find out a little more information about you through our short form below.
Form Assembley Development Placeholder
Children and Families Service
Find out more about the different kinds of support available from our dedicated Children and Families team.
Brain Tumour Information Pack
Our Information Pack can help you better understand a diagnosis and feel confident talking to your medical team.
Parents Facebook Group
Our closed Facebook groups are a great place to connect with other parents affected by a brain tumour.