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Effective Communication & Breaking Bad News webinar

This webinar will be presented in conjunction with Local Optical Committees England.

Communication is now 1 of the 4 compulsory GOC Core Domains for CPD for all GOC registrants. We all spend 3-4 years on the road to registration but when was the last time you were on a training course dedicated to communication for the Optical Sector?

In this webinar we will discuss why communication is important for contemporaneous records and also more importantly for medico-legal purposes.

Overview of the webinar:

  • Why communication is now a compulsory requirement
  • Knowing that there are 3 different models of Breaking Bad News
  • How to improve your communication skills
  • How to show empathy
  • Why you need to respect peoples wishes, even though they may be different from yours
  • Driving and the Law
  • Live Q&A session

Register now

About the speaker

Lorcan Butler is Optical Engagement Manager at The Brain Tumour Charity, having previously trained as both a Dispensing Optician and an Optometrist. Lorcan worked with Vision Express as a Pre-Registration Supervising Optometrist for 13 years and helped implement their nationwide Pre-Registration training programme. Lorcan is a keen advocate of Continuing Education, Training & Professional Development and has hosted this webinar for Optometrists in Scotland, Wales, Ireland & England.

Register now

The webinar is free to join and will be held using Zoom. Help on how to use Zoom can be found here.

To get the most out of this webinar, please note the following points:

  • All participants will be muted on entry
  • Please do not connect your video
  • We welcome your questions for the speaker at any time using the chat facility. The moderator will leave all the questions until the very end for the Q&A session.
  • You must change the name of your electronic device to your Name & GOC Number so you can be accredited your CET points by the GOC.
  • Please don’t share your personal information (for example your phone number) during the webinar

If you’ve any questions, please contact our Optical Engagement Manager at [email protected].

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