Support for young adults affected by brain tumours
Our Young Adults Service for people aged 16-30 who are affected by a brain tumour diagnosis, is here to offer support for young adults and help you connect with others.
On this page:
Emotional support
Research requests
Connecting with others
Support for young adult carers
Contacting the Young Adults Service
The team are here to help with any information you might need and can help with researching and sending out information on topics such as tumour types, treatments and clinical trials.
We provide a listening ear when you need it, and are happy to listen to your concerns or frustrations. And we will do our best to answer any questions you might have or point you in the direction of other services.

Join our community on Facebook
Our closed Facebook group is a great place to connect with other young adults affected by a brain tumour and share your experiences.
Emotional support
Receiving the news that you or a loved one has a brain tumour is something we wished no one had to hear. We’re here to support you and your family. Whether that’s answering any questions you have or just listening to your worries.
We can connect with you over email, Facebook messenger, telephone calls or text. So please do get in touch as we are here to help however we can.
Research requests
We are also able to research information on your behalf. So whether it’s information on tumour types, treatments, clinical trials, current research, getting a second opinion or anything else you’d like to know more about, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us and we’ll look into this for you.
We can also offer information and advice on a range of other issues. And, we can connect you with other services such as our benefits clinic and other local and national services that you might find useful.
Connecting with others
Our Young Adult Events and dedicated Young Adults Facebook Group are a great way to connect with others who are going through similar experiences, meet our Young Ambassadors and to access support from the team face to face. You can find out more about our upcoming events here, we hope you are able to join us.
Support for young adult carers
Learning that a loved one has been diagnosed with a brain tumour can be a life-changing event, especially if you need to take on new caring responsibilities.
This can be a really confusing time and you may have lots of questions that you don’t feel you can ask your friends and family. It’s perfectly normal to experience lots of different emotions, from fear and sadness to guilt and anger – sometimes all at once.
So, whether it’s information you need or someone to talk things through with, our team is here to help. You may not necessarily consider yourself a carer but whether it’s a partner, parent, sibling, friend or other family member who’s received a diagnosis, this support is here for you.
We also know that it can feel isolating at times so have set up a dedicated Young Adult Carers Facebook Group where you can connect with others going through similar experiences.
Contacting the Young Adults Service
We offer individual online and telephone support and are here to listen and help you find any information you might need. Unfortunately, the team are not medically trained, so please consult your GP or medical team for medical advice.
You can contact the team by:
- emailing us at [email protected]
- starting a live chat by clicking the red button in the bottom corner of your screen
- calling us on 0808 800 0004 and asking for the Young Adults Service.
Opening hours
Our Support and Information Line is open 9-5 Monday to Friday. But, if you email us outside of these times we will aim to respond to you as soon as possible.
If you are concerned about your health, please contact your GP immediately who may direct you to an out of hours service. Alternatively if you need to speak to someone urgently, please contact:
- NHS (England) – 111
- NHS Direct (Wales) – 0845 46 47
- NHS 24 (Scotland) – 111
- If you live in Northern Ireland please dial 999 or your out-of-ours GP service
- Samaritans (UK wide) – 116 123
- Or in an emergency, visit A&E or dial 999
Support for young adults experiencing isolation
If you or anyone you know lives with a brain tumour, we have some top tips for tackling isolation for people living with a brain tumour.
In this video, The young people who live with a brain tumour talk about how they are coping with their brain tumour diagnosis in their daily lives.
Support and Information Services
Research & Clinical Trials Information
You can also join our active online community.
In this section
Thank you!
We are grateful to the Elliott Simmons Charitable Trust and Lewis Moody Foundation who kindly support our Young Adults Service.