Young Adults Service
Are you a young adult aged 16-30 who has either received a brain tumour diagnosis or is affected by a loved one’s diagnosis? Our Young Adults Service is here for you.
We know that receiving a brain tumour diagnosis, or learning of a loved one’s diagnosis, is a life-changing event that can lead to lots of questions. We know that it is not always easy to ask these of your friends and family and it can be difficult to access your healthcare team at the exact moment a question comes to mind.
Our Young Adults Service is here for you, helping you to connect with others and supporting you with any information you might need.
We are grateful to the Elliott Simmons Charitable Trust and the Lewis Moody Foundation who kindly support our Young Adults Service.

Join our Young Adults community online
Our online support group is a safe and secure space to connect with other young adults who are affected by a brain tumour and share your experiences.

Support we offer
Our Young Adults team can give you emotional and practical support.

Events for Young Adults
Our free events are a great way to connect with other young adults with a brain tumour diagnosis.

Well-being boxes
Sign up to recieve 3 free well-being boxes delievered straight to your door

Looking after your mental health
Many say their tumour has affected their emotional or mental health – find out how to cope

Young adult carers
Support for young adults who have been affected by the diagnosis of a friend or family member including a peer support group for young people who have lost a loved one to a brain tumour

Benefits Clinic
Book an appointment for our telephone benefits clinic, together with Rushmoor Citizens Advice

Employment resources
A range resources to help staying in, returning to, or looking for work after diagnosis.

Advice for friends and family
Advice and practical tips on how best to support a loved one that is living with a brain tumour diagnosis.

Independent living
Information to may help you to live independently, from the support available to different housing options.

Exams, college and university
Learn about the support available as you move through higher-education

Our free counselling services provide a safe space to talk about the impact that a diagnosis has had on your wellbeing or relationships.

Watch our videos
We’ve put together a YouTube playlist of some of our videos relevant to the Young Adults community