Employment advice for people with a brain tumour
Here we provide a list of organisations and services that can give information and advice around employment while living with a brain tumour.
If you’re struggling with work due to your or a loved one’s brain tumour, we’re here to help. We have several employment resources to help answer your questions and concerns about applying to, staying in or returning to work after a diagnosis of a brain tumour. We also have information which you can share with your employer.
Our Support line offers a confidential way to ask questions or raise concerns about any aspect of living with a brain tumour, or supporting someone with a brain tumour, including workplace issues.
Organisations which offer employment advice
There are also lots of organisations who specialise in employment support and who can give you advice in this area. We have listed some of these below.
AbilityNet offers a range of free and paid for services, such as personalised workplace assessments and free expert resources on the use of digital technology, for people with any disability, as well as their employers, family and colleagues.
Contact them on 0800 269545 (Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm) or at [email protected]
ACAS provides free and impartial information, advice, training, conciliation and other services for employers and employees to help prevent or resolve workplace issues.
Contact them on 0300 123 1100 (Monday – Friday, 8am – 6pm)
Access to Work / Access to Work (NI)
Access to Work and Access to Work (NI) are government run schemes which help people with a disability to start, stay in or return to work. The schemes offer advice and grants for practical support.
Citizens Advice
Citizens Advice offers free, confidential and impartial advice to help resolve legal, money, work and many other problems.
Find your local Citizens Advice.

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Disability Law Service
Disability Law Service provides free legal advice and representation to people with disabilities and their carers.
Contact them on 0207 791 9800 (Monday – Friday, 9.30am – 5.30pm) or email [email protected]
Disability Rights UK
Disability Rights UK gives advice and information to people with disabilities on a wide range of subjects including employment.
They also run the Equality Advisory Support Service (EASS).
Living Made Easy
Living Made Easy provides information on equipment for independent living for people with disabilities.
Contact them on 0300 999 0004 (Monday – Friday, 9-5pm) or email [email protected]
Equality Advisory Support Service (EASS)
The Equality Advisory Support Service (EASS) provides free advice and information relating to equality and human rights, across England, Scotland and Wales. They can identify specific articles which may apply to your circumstances and how to raise a complaint if your rights, or a friend/family member’s rights, have been breached. The EASS is able to offer you an action plan with a view to resolving your issue informally without the stress of going to court or a tribunal. They do not offer legal advice.
Contact their advice line on 0808 800 0082 (phone) or 0808 800 0084 (Text phone). Their opening hours are Monday – Friday, 9am – 7pm and Saturday, 10am – 2pm.
Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC)
The EHRC website provides useful guidance for both employers and employees on reasonable adjustments and related issues.
Equality Commission Northern Ireland
Equality Commission Northern Ireland provides advice and assistance for people who feel they have been discriminated against.
They provide practical advice for employers on how to manage duties and obligations under equality laws.
Contact them on 02890 500600 (phone) or 02890 500589 (Text phone). This is available Monday – Friday, 10am – 4pm.
You can also email [email protected]
Healthy Working Lives (Scotland)
Healthy Working Lives is the national centre of expertise in Scotland in relation to protecting and improving the health of those in employment. They work with all kinds of businesses, completely free of charge, offering practical information and advice.
Contact them on 0800 019 2211 (Monday – Thursday, 9.00am – 5.00pm and Friday, 9.00am – 4.30pm)
Jobcentre Plus (England, Scotland and Wales) and Jobs & Benefits Offices (Northern Ireland)
Jobcentre Plus and Jobs and Benefits Offices are government funded agencies which aim to find employment for working age people. They run programmes to help people with disabilities find work.
Labour Relations Agency (Northern Ireland)
Labour Relations Agency provides an impartial and confidential employment relations service to those working in industry, commerce or public services in Northern Ireland. They give advice on good employment practices and in resolving disputes for employers and employees
Contact them on 02890 321442 (Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm) or at
Law Centres Network (LCN)
The Law Centre Network does not offer legal advice, but it provides details of local law centres across the UK. Law centres work within their local community to defend the legal rights of local people who cannot afford a lawyer. If you do not have a law centre near you, the LCN lists other sources of advice.
Legal Aid
Legal aid can help meet the costs of legal advice and representation in a court or tribunal, for those who are eligible.
Find out more about:
The Law Society – Find a Solicitor service
The Law Society does not offer legal advice to the public, but they do have a free Find a Solicitor service for anyone looking for information about organisations or people providing legal services.
Workable (Northern Ireland)
Workable is a programme that gives people with disabilities the opportunity of working in a wide variety of jobs. It provides long term support and assists people with disabilities to overcome barriers to finding and staying in employment. Their support can include financial assistance with developmental costs to the employer.
Contact the Employment Service Advisers based in your local Jobs & Benefits office/JobCentre for more information and details on how to access the programme.
Trade Union Congress (TUC)
The TUC aims to raise the quality of working life and promote equality for all. They give employment advice and guidance on their website, WorkSMART. It offers free comprehensive, plain-English guides to all aspects of your employment rights and your health at work. WorkSMART is unable to offer individual legal or employment advice.
If you are in a union you can also ask them for advice.
Other sources of help
There are also many other people who can help you if you’re struggling with what to do next. These may include:
- Your GP
- Your Clinical Nurse Specialist and/ or keyworker
- Your oncology team
- Your occupational health adviser/department
- Your Human Resources (HR) adviser/department
- Your union representative
Have you had to reduce your working hours or give up work completely?
If you’re feeling fed-up, frustrated or depressed that you can no longer work as you used to, use BRIAN’s quality-of-life tracker to record how you’re feeling each day and use this to open up conversations with your loved ones and your healthcare team.

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If you need someone to talk to or advice on where to get help, our Support and Information team is available by phone, email or live-chat.
Recommended reading

I struggle to work
Tasmin is a single mother of three children, and lives in Cheshire. She was diagnosed with a meningioma in 2013 and underwent a craniotomy. She is a midwife but has struggled with work and finances since the onset of her tumour.
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