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Launching our ‘Businesses Against Brain Tumours’ campaign

During International Brain Tumour Awareness Week (30th October – 6th November), The Brain Tumour Charity is launching Businesses Against Brain Tumours, the first campaign of its kind bringing the business community together to power progress against brain tumours.

Businesses will be asked to take on the Brain Power Challenge to power forward research and drive awareness of this devastating disease. Brain tumours are still the biggest cancer killer of children and adults under 40, with treatments having changed very little since the 1980s. It’s no wonder when only 3% of funds raised for research into cancer is spent on brain tumours so it’s down to us as a community to urgently enact change.

Businesses Against Brain Tumours aims to build on the collective impact of our five-year research strategy completed in 2020, drive awareness and power forward much-needed progress as we look pick up the pace of research and fund new innovative projects across the globe from 2022.

We’re asking our community of businesses to amplify our voice to raise funds for research and drive vital awareness, powering progress towards a cure by taking on the Brain Power Challenge!

How to get involved – the Brain Power Challenge

We’re asking our community of businesses to come together as a virtual community to help us in two key ways. We need you to raise funds to power forward research but also to drive awareness of brain tumours too.

The pandemic has drastically slowed down the pace of progress in research and has certainly left our brains in need of a boost! Therefore, the theme this year is brain health with businesses taking on the Brain Power Challenge to improve the brain health and mental wellbeing of staff. Here’s how it works:

1. Choose how many days of research into brain tumours your business will pledge to fund to set your fundraising target. One day of research = £250, two days = £500 and so on. All funds raised will go directly towards research.

2. Fundraise by taking on the Silver (12hrs), Gold (33hrs) or Platinum (88hrs) Challenge, doing something that will improve your brain health, for example, through exercise or by learning a new skill. You can do this however you like, as a team or as an individual.

3. Create your organisation’s JustGiving page with your target and pledge. You can have one shared fundraising page for your organisation or individual staff pages linked to a Team Page.

4. Spread the word across social media! Post pictures of your team together or doing your own challenges with the hashtags #ResearchPledge and #BrainPowerChallenge

5. Be part of our online community by posting your pictures and messages to our Businesses Against Brain Tumours dedication page!

David Jenkinson, Chief Scientific Officer and Interim CEO of The Brain Tumour Charity, said:

We are incredibly grateful for the unrelenting support businesses and of course our corporate partners give to The Charity. We really couldn’t do what we do without them.

“Now is the time to come together as a community as we look to power forward progress and we know the Businesses Against Brain Tumours campaign will allow the companies within that community to have a collective impact.

“To align with our upcoming new research strategy, the funds raised through the Brain Power Challenge will go directly towards research as the first challenge we set for businesses.

To sign up to become a Business Against Brain Tumours and to take part in the Brain Power Challenge, speak to your key contact at The Charity or email Annie Edwards on [email protected] and set up your fundraising page here:
