Connor’s Story
Bar Supervisor Connor was told he had a meningioma brain tumour in August 2022, after experiencing excruciating migraines, blurred vision, and numbness on one side. Being otherwise fit and healthy, his diagnosis, which was triggered when an optician urged him to go to hospital, came as a huge shock:
“I was completely unprepared for the truth. In hindsight I feel I should’ve known something wasn’t right but I couldn’t read the warning signs.”
A six hour operation successfully removed most of the tumour, leaving less than 1% attached to the brain’s membrane. But Connor was left with very low mobility and getting back on his feet again was a huge challenge. Connor said:
“The road to recovery was paved with blood, sweat and tears, and I mean that literally. For about two months I had very little control over the entire right side of my body, as the tumour was located on the part of my brain that controlled that side. This made even the simplest of tasks almost impossible to complete independently. I couldn’t walk without a crutch. I couldn’t even take a shower by myself.
“But for me, the hardest part was the mental recovery. Between August 2022 and the beginning of 2023 I was plagued by depression and anxiety and I will admit I almost lost that mental battle, but thankfully my family noticed and I was able to open up to them about my feelings and they managed to get me the help I needed.”

Hyrox Challenge
Happily Connor was able to return to work in March 2023, and has been inspired to celebrate his physical recovery by taking on the tough Hyrox Fitness Race, alongside his good friend Laszlo Hajdu.
The event, which takes place in Glasgow on March 2nd and 3rd, combines both running – in bouts of 1km – and functional workout stations, such as sled pulls and sandbag lunges – repeated eight times. Connor and Laszlo will complete in the Duo category.

The race is a true test of fitness and a big challenge for anyone, let alone someone who has recently undergone treatment for a brain tumour. But Connor will draw on his recent illness for inspiration.
“My lack of mobility after my tumour and the dependency I developed at this time crushed me as I’m normally helping others.
“Once I was able to walk by myself, I went to watch Laszlo compete in the Hyrox Solo category last year. The atmosphere in that hall was electric. I saw the hard work he was putting in to cross that finish line and I was genuinely moved.
“I decided then and there that I was going to compete in the event the following year. If I can get across that finish line, I have recovered, I will have beaten the tumour, and I am free.
Fundraising for The Brain Tumour Charity has been going well, and Connor has already smashed his £1000 target.
To donate to Connor’s JustGiving page, click the button below:

Staying Tough
Connor explains: “I’m not just doing this race just for myself or Laszlo – I’m also doing it because I want to show anyone who has, will be, or is currently dealing with any form of tumour that you can overcome it.
“When things get tough I will be thinking of the ones who came before me, the ones who will come after me and the ones we’ve lost.
“It’s important for me to challenge myself, simply because I’m alive and able to do so. Raising money and awareness is important to me, because with every penny donated we’re closer to finding a cure and more effective treatments.”
Get involved
If you have been inspired by Connor’s story, and want to organise your own fundraising event, tell us your plans. Our community fundraising team will support you every step of the way.
Or, take a look at the events you can get involved in and challenge yourself like Connor and Laszlo!