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‘Why do clinical trials matter?’

“Clinical trials are essential to giving brain tumour patients more of life’s best moments because we cannot get better treatment without them.” – Ken, who had a glioblastoma removed in 2014, is now on a clinical trial.

To mark International Clinical Trials Day on Wednesday 20 May 2015, the MRC Clinical Trials Unit at UCL will be running a Twitter Q&A session.

The Q&A session will be running on Twitter from 1-1.45pm on Wednesday 20 May, and will include four panelists. You can tweet your questions during this 45 minute slot or before the session begins. If you would like to participate but are not on Twitter, you can also email your questions in advance to [email protected]. To ask a question, simply tweet using the hashtag #trialsmatter.

The panelists include:

  • Ben Cromarty, Patient Representative and member of the MRC CTU at UCL PPI group
  • Sheena McCormack, Clinician and HIV researcher
  • Max Parmar, Director of MRC CTU at UCL
  • Derek Stewart, Associate Director for Patient & Public Involvement, NIHR CRN

For more information visit the MRC website here.